Completed Video

Here is the final Quiz of Tubes video completed!


Evaluation for unit 1

My proposal was for a general knowledge quiz that would have about 3 rounds based on multiple choice questions. There would be a host and a few contestants and it would be a battle of wits to see who would be crowned the winner and get a prize for answering the most questions. This was called ‘The Great Pub Quiz of 2019’ we tried to make it as much like a normal pub quiz as possible we even discussed the idea of having fake pints of lager on the desks and a bag of crisps to add to the atmosphere. Ultimately this didn’t end up happening and the idea got scrapped.

My role in the final video was to be a camera man, I had the important job of making sure the camera was focussed in on who it was meant to and filmed who it was supposed to and if anything needed to change while filming I had to be ready to do it, e.g. zooms in and out and focussing. I had to make sure that I had the whole subject in the shot when filming and no part of the person would be cut off. I had to learn how to use a tripod properly and what bits control what and how I could change it if I needed to. This involved tilting the camera and making sure that it was in the right pace filming the contestants. When the camera had to be still and not un-even at any sides I checked it with the spirit level to see if it was standing straight or not. This was important because if I didn’t make sure it was level when changing cameras the audience will be able to tell if mine was uneven or not. I had to pay close attention to the floor manager and the director in-case they told me I had to change something with my camera or tripod. This meant I had good communication and team working skills to show as I was always paying close attention to the headset in case anything went wrong. Thankfully there went any issues and the

Working in the studio was a lot of fun we had to do lots of different jobs and setting everything up was also a lot of fun. I enjoyed seeing how the lights worked and how the director would cut between the different cameras. I enjoyed working the cameras the most it was the most unique job I think and it was so fun to work with those cameras instead of the old ones I used on Level 2 last year.

The rest of my team worked well mainly at the first they acted a bit silly at times but after the initial giddiness of being in the TV Studio for the first time was over we all really cracked down and got into it and enjoyed it for what it was and built our teambuilding skills a lot. We all learnt the process of filming and directing pretty fast and we worked well together communicating through the headsets and to the directors. This helped a lot because it was vital we could work as a team because if not the whole project would fall apart and that could be the worst thing possible to happen.

We didn’t run into many problems apart from a few minor ones like when we had issues with the sound, the cast not being loud enough and other small issues like that but we didn’t run into anything major with the production.

In the future I will probably make sure my camera is in focus and ready faster and that the battery is charged and I’m a lot faster with the time. Apart from that I think everything would stay around the same. I would probably change jobs as well thinking about it, I’d like to be a floor manager but I’m happy doing any job.

What went well in rehearsals would probably be the fact we knew what we were doing pretty early and got into the rhythm of things quite fast. This helped a lot because we all knew where we were meant to be and what we were meant to be doing and at what time. A plus of this was the fact most of us had relatively simple jobs that we knew how to do from practise before hand in the TV Studio.

Not much didn’t go well mainly what stands out was a fall out between two people but that was simply resolved after a while. Apart from that not much didn’t go well, we had to do a lot of takes but I wouldn’t say it was because it didn’t go well I’d say it was because Oliver couldn’t remember what to do a lot of the times which took up a lot of the time. But on the bright side that means the final take was really good. And everyone knew what to say and at what point thanks to all the multiple takes. These problems were easily overcome by doing more takes and getting used to the format of the show and overcoming first time nerves.

The final show came out excellent, all the timing was spot on, and the camera work was all in focus and perfectly shot, the colour balance was at the right setting to make the people on screen look as good as possible. The sound could have been a bit louder but for the majority of the video it was perfect volume we got lucky by having people who spoke loudly so although the sound volumes weren’t perfect, they were corrected by the loud speaking host and guests. The set design was basic but effective, with A Quiz of Tubes, less is more for the set, it could have looked nice with a colourful background behind the hosts and guests but the black curtain was effective enough it also helped to highlight the cast by how basic the background was, it wasn’t distracting or anything like that. There were a lot of VT’S they played at the right time and were very effective for the videos, This involved the ‘Guess the YouTuber’s Round’ which involved a VT of many different YouTubers and the directors did a great job of switching back and forth between cameras and VT’s especially with how short the VT’s were, the timing was excellent. They were effective and helped the show a lot to move forward. The presenting style was a bit stiff but that could easily be put down to first time nerves, The host needed to loosen up a bit more and enjoy it more and remember the script, speaking off which, we had a teleprompter which displayed the script on which the host and team members could use to know what they needed to say and when to say it. But by the end of it we had a video that we were all happy with and came out very good.


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