
  Production Title: Yoga, Skills and Benefits Director: Dan Kenworthy  Production Team: WFA Productions  
VisualsAudioShot DurationTotal Duration
Opening shot of Leanne setting up yoga equipment, this is an establishing shot,Description of what yoga is and how it can help.5s5s
Medium shot in interview format which will be cut back and forth to this format.Hi, I’m Leanne and I’ve been doing yoga for 2 and ½ years2s7s
Montage of different poses, these are establishing shots big enough to show the full pose.Voiceover talking about yoga and all the different poses and stuff around it10s17s
Interview asking questions about Yoga, this is a medium shot in interview formatVoiceover answering question.10s27s
Establishing shot of all yoga equipmentMusic / voiceover continued from interview5s32s
Continued montage of more yoga shotsVoiceover talking about health benefits of yoga8s40s
Shot of health drink being prepared, this is an establishing shot.Voiceover talking about how important it is to keep healthy6s46s
Shot of favourite position, once again this is an establishing shot.Voiceover talking about why it’s your favourite5s51s
Final interview talking about top tips for yogaVoiceover answering questions6s57s
Final shot of another yoga position, establishing shot once again.Music that begins to fade as the shot and documentary finished4s1m 1s

Here is my AV script for my documentary, some things may be changed in the final edit but as it stands this is what is going to be used for my finished video. I learnt the skills from the secondary research i did in my Research Portfolio and the AV script we were shown by our tutor Sally, all the skills i learnt went into making this AV script.

Some things may be different when it comes to filming, this could be for numerous reasons, time, weather it actually fits or if the shot is even possible to do for any other reason but as it stands this is the AV script that’s going to be used and is as accurate as it can be.


Risk Assessment –

Cables leading from the camera and being around the floorRisk of tripping over and injuries ranging from stubbed toe to a broken ankle if seriousTie all cables up and keep to one side or wrap around tripod
Camera falling over and breaking or hitting someoneRisk of injury of any kind of nature or broken camera or tripodMake sure tripod is secured as well as the camera on top or else it could not be sturdy.
Filming the B roll and causing a hazard to pedestriansRisk of being in the way of pedestrians crossing the road or walk past when the camera and tripod is set upNot be there too long or film where there will be no one stood
Messy kit everywhereTripping, loosing something important or the risk of broken equipmentKeep everything in the bag and tied up in its right compartment

This is the risk assessment i made for my documentary, for this i thought about all the different risks that could occur during he filming of my documentary. These include Filming B roll and having the risk of pedestrians walking past and the risks of tripping over cables and messy equipment. I also considered how i could fix these situations and have a solution to the hazards.

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