Understanding Working Practices and Context

The main differences between multi camera productions and single cam productions are the fact that multi cam has many party members for example, Director, Vision Mixer, Audio Technician, Floor Manager, 2 or more camera operators there is also a teleprompter operator. All these jobs are vital to making a successful multi-cam production. A lot of these jobs are what you would only get in a multi cam production. A single cam production is when there is only one camera and the operator also has to take on the role of director and possibly sound operator as well, Single cam is used for low budget productions when not many crew members can be recruited to the project meaning its a bit cheaper and not as good as a multi-cam.

Comparison – For the next bit i will be comparing different factors of multi and single cam productions. The workflow is easily one of the things that’s most different between the two of them. The workflow on multicam can be rocky when there are creative differences for example if there are some disagreements on how something should be filmed this could cause a disruption which means we could be losing valuable filming time. But, when everyone gets on and knows what they should be doing and what their job is the filming can easily get underway and the workflow can be really smooth and easy, this happened with us when we filmed our game show, after knowing what we were doing and getting familiar with the technology and jobs, the workflow was really smooth and we weren’t met with any issues. Whereas when making a single camera production, You are the only one doing every job so only you can determine how the workflow goes and, as with the multicam, once you know what your job is and you get going you can really get into the workflow of it. The amount of equipment ranges a lot between the two. Multi-cam has a lot of equipment and a lot of cameras, usually this ranges from 2 and up it also has a lot of technology used for the audio that can be quite advanced especially for a multicam production whereas a single cam production may only be very simple and have a single camera and a boom or lapel mic leading into a marantz kit. This technology is much more basic than what you’d get in a multicam production but that doesn’t mean it’s not enough for a single person to do. There is a bit of a restriction of what can and can’t be filmed with certain cameras. For example in the TV studio when filming our multicam production we were very hindered on how much we can turn the cameras and they had to stay very still as there wasn’t much that we can do to get a smooth move in the shot meaning once we got the shot we wanted the camera had to stay in that position. This is okay though as there are multiple cameras which means they can each be facing different directions and no movements have to occur, whereas with the single camera productions, you can’t make a smooth transition when altering the tripos and no matter how smooth you try to do it, it will always be bumpy and rough. It’s usually better either cutting it out and continuing the video after the camera has been moved or ending the take and setting it up in a different direction to the last one. So when i filmed my B role for my single cam production i made sure that i managed to get shots from many different angles not just for a variety of shots but it stops the audience from getting bored just from watching a lot of shots all shot from the same angle. By doing this i would cut the camera after each yoga position and move the camera somewhere else, focus in and make sure everything was in shot and then i begun rolling again to get a shot from different angles and positions.


Looking at the Multicam production that I produced:

For our gameshow ‘A Quiz of Tubes’ i believe that the best places it could air on are YouTube as an original series of sorts, CBBC or ITV 2. and here are the reasons why i think they could be best.

YouTube is very obvious as the show is about YouTubers and the platform itself so it only seems right that it should air there and be an original series of sorts, Although, YouTube Red doesn’t have anything like this it doesn’t mean that they can’t start airing quizzes as they’re mostly known for having their own dramas starring famous YouTubers, so there definitely is a gap in the market for online quiz shows especially about YouTubers and the platform the show is on. So its only perfect and could easily get new views engaged and subscribed to YouTube Red and even getting a subscription as it could be really fun and interesting on there.

CBBC i chose for the appeal to young kids, no audience knows more about YouTube and the creators on there and would find it interesting more than 10 year old kids who watch YouTube, and a perfect time to air it would be at 5pm after the current series of The Demon Headmaster finishes its current series as that’s the time CBBC gets the most viewers so to really get people watching it that would be a perfect time to air it. It’s half an hour run time fits the slot as well and kids will very much love watching it so you can guarantee that a young audience would be watching the show as CBBC tried to be as ‘hip’ and ‘young’ as possible (although failing many times)

ITV2 I chose because of the amount of game shows the channel airs for example ‘Celebrity Juice’ ‘Through The Keyhole’ ‘Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule’ ‘In For a Penny’ the list goes on so the channel definitely has the advantage of pulling in many viewers for a game show and due to the audience the show is aimed it, it would fit much better on ITV2 then it would the channel’s parent company ITV.

Whereas for my documentary it would definitely have a different audience and definitely a different range of channels and platforms that it would be shown on. I believe due to the fact many women who watch ITVbe which has many shows for girls on e.g ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ ‘Real Housewives’ and other shows like that and a yoga documentary could fit in so well into that mixture of reality shows and fitness, it couldn’t be reaching a better audience!

E! is another brilliant example as all the women viewers that watch E! is insane, That channel airs mainly the same stuff as ITVbe but it has a bigger range of shows. and audiences that reach america which would help to pull in a wider range of audience members as ITVbe only airs in the UK which could mean that the channel wouldn’t pull in as many views as it would do if it was on a bigger channel like E!

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