
Storyboard –

This is the storyboard that i will be following for my montage, it features at least 7 shots and is a baseline of what i am going to follow for my montage. Some new shots may get added by the time i edit. But as it stands this is the baseline i’m going to follow for my storyboard


Montage Proposal –

My montage is going to be a love montage focusing on my dog. The montage will feature the song ‘Flagpole Sitta’ as that is my favourite song at the moment and i want to do a really good transition from the Theme Tune of Peep Show (Which uses the song Flagpole Sitta) to shots of my dog and the montage will begin. It will run for around a minute and will be upbeat and fast paced but not too fast you cant see the shots.


Here is my schedule for filming, this is what i used for my filming. I also listed reasons as to why i did things in a certain way. Its the most accurate description of my filming i can do and should give an accurate idea of how i filmed and why i filmed like that,


Production Company: N/A

Production title: Dan’s Love Montage

Date: 31/01/20

Store ID No.ItemQuantityCost (if applicable)
11Canon 550d (plus two batteries each)1N/A
N/A Home tripodTripod (Small)1N/A
 Marantz kit (with spare batteries)0N/A
 Clapperboard & Pen0N/A
8Camera lense 500m1N/A
 N/A SD Card 1N/A

This is my equipment booking form, i made this and put down some ideas of items that i may need for my production


Location Photos – These are some Photos of the locations that will be used for the production.

Here are the photos for the first location – my bedroom –

Here are the second lot of photos from the second location – my summer room in my house. –


I also made a Location Scouting sheet for this Unit, i filled in the form and here it is in full below. This will help me to decide where i film and discuss some filming times and important information before i film.

Image preview

2 thoughts on “Pre-Production

  1. This section needs:
    o Montage proposal – a description of exactly what you intend to film for your montage
    o Storyboard of your intended shots
    o Location ideas with photos
    o Booking forms for equipment from the media store
    o Production schedule with dates and times for filming
    o Risk assessment for any on-location filming


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