Requirements and Parameters

Toy Story 2 (1999) Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios – Dir John Lasseter

Scene: Woody gets fixed –

Toy Story 2 continues the adventures of Woody and Buzz Lightyear two toys. As Woody (Tom Hanks) is stolen from his home by toy dealer Al, leaving Buzz Lightyear and the rest of the gang to try to rescue him. But when Woody discovers that he’s actually a valuable collectible from a once-popular television show called “Woody’s Roundup” and is reunited with his horse Bullseye, Jessie the yodeling cowgirl and his faithful sidekick, Stinky Pete the Prospector, he doesn’t want to leave. But once Buzz and his friends come to rescue Woody, he makes an escape back to Andy’s house with Jessie and Bullseye.

In this scene, Al gets Gerri in to clean and fix woody for being sold, This scene shows the cleaner coming in getting his tools out ready to clean woody, you see him open his toolbox and get out sewing kits to sew his arm back on. This scene contains lots of sound effects and places that could be changed and substituted here are some examples and what i could substitute them for.

This scene here is very important as when i substitute the sounds, i’m going to have to make sure that different sounds are made for each draw as Gerri has different items in each one, a big one with many different sized glass eyes, a tiny one with plastic arms, one with chess pieces (which is a great easter egg for pixar fans like myself) and a final draw that contains his glasses, each of these make a different sound when being opened so i will have to make sure i replicate each one as closely as possible, I could use a number of things to replicate the sounds for example a box full of marbles could be used for the glass eye draw, a box with pencils could be used for the plastic arms… There is many possibilities

The use of Gerri’s little chair being lifted up has a distinctive sound like a pump and so i could use that to make the sound as it is very similar, i am going to have to make sure that i do it to the speed that Gerri does because i dont want the visuals to be out of sync with the sound effect, the most important bit is that it’s recorded to the same speed as the video is. I could edit it to make it the right speed but this may alter how it sounds and ruin the sound effect altogether, i would much rather keep the right sound but have it recorded and played at the correct time and place. As editing could make the pitch higher or not sound right altogether, there are many risks while doing this.

The shot of Gerri cleaning woody’s eyes reminds me of the sound of rubbing glass as that makes a slight squeak and could easily be a substitute as its eerily similar to the sound of rubbing a tissue or something against a window. This is hopefully going to be the sound i use to replicate this sound as it’s one of the best i could think of given the resources we will have, that being, not many so we have to make do with what we’ve got.

The airbrush bit, i instantly knew what to use for this scene. A can of deodorant sounds exactly the same as this, It’s the closest thing i could use with the budget and resources gives, me and Josh have talked and believe that when it’s nearly empty, the sound will be much better and will fit better with the foley sound we’re trying to achieve with the resources we have available.

So, that’s just a few ideas of what could be achieved, but with further thinking and development, we will come up with many interesting and similar sounds that will substitute many sounds in the video. By watching the video a few times i believe a lot of consideration is going to have to be made for sound that sound similar and what else we could use to get similar sounds and substitutes if we can’t get the resources we wanted originally. We will consider all these in our spotting sheet that will go into much more detail and give us a definitive answer as to what to use.

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