Website Analysis

The two websites i will be analysing are and i have chosen these two as i believe they will be the ones i will be able to talk about the most and they have the most similarities after looking at all the websites to get a feeling as to which one to analyse.

The first website has a big slideshow showing some of the creators biggest works, these repeat sowing pictures and screenshots from the final film. This website does not have many colour variations and only has black and white which although is common on a lot of websites, it actually works really well, sometimes simplicity is better and in this case it works. At the top there are three options for new pages. Screen design, about and contact.

Scrolling down the page a bit there is more options to progress further through the page, There are more examples of the work the creator has done and more pictures which give you more the a taste of how he does things, By looking at these pictures i know that he specialises in hologram cgi in animation and live action film and TV.

Scrolling further down we see an about page for the creator detailing what he does and how he does it. It also states what films he’s worked on in a quick paragraph. There is also a picture of him that shows us what he looks like, this helps the people looking at his website to know that he’s genuine and it could help people to decide if they want to hire him for anything as it make shim come off more friendly by showing off a picture of his face.

This is something that i really like, the fact he has a page for every interview or bit of press he has done is something you don’t see very often and could help potential customers if they have nayt questions that could have been answered in an interview. They have the chance to view every interview and press piece he has ever done and they’re all there neatly organised as well, it also helps that he has labeled them with short descriptions on what it is about, these could help a lot as an example i could want to see an interview with him about his work on Avengers, i just have to look at the descriptions and see that he did an interview for fxGuide about his work on Avengers. It’s so easy to use and that could really help people to be guided round his website because its so well organised.

The only downs i have about hsi website is just how small the fonts are and his logo is a bit small, i had to look close to my screen to see it more clearer, for my website i definitely won’t be having anything small and will be having all my writing nice and big and easy to see.


Comparing this with The creator for this website Laura Bellingham has done something similar to the other website creator Jayse Hansen, in the fact that there is a slideshow of pictures from the work she has done. Unlike Hansen’s website, Bellingham is a cinematographer so her website is a portfolio for her cinematography work unlike Hansen’s whos is a portfolio website for his visual effects work.

One thing i like about how Bellingham lays her website out is the fact she has her slideshow take up the full screen making it more easy to see and more appealing to the eye whereas Hansen has his lowered down a bit on his homepage where its a bit harder to see. Her annotations on her home page are very bright and pop out making them easy to see with the slideshow in the background, Having different style for her logo makes a nice change of fonts between the logo and the page annotations.

Scrolling down the website there are pictures from commercials and other related work she has done and when you hover your mouse over it it tells you what the company is and when clicked it takes you to the full video. This is a very good way of showing off your work. There is a total 12 commercials up on this website that she has done and each give more information on it like who directed it and who produced it. One thing i don’t like about this is how hard it is to see the top buttons to other parts of the website, they’re black so it is really hard to see what they are so you ultimately have to scroll back up to the top of the website just to see what they say. The picture below actually has the buttons in the top bar visible but because they are the same colour as the background you can’t see them. This is something i’m going to make sure i dont do on my website as i will make all the buttons a colour opposite to my background so they’ll always be visible and easy to see.

Laura has an about page on her website below her showreel of adverts, this is quite beefy and goes into a lot of detail about where she studied and what awards she has won for her work. It stands out by being white text but ultimately looks a bit dim and not very appealing to the eye, This website has a lot of writing, frankly too much that could’ve been put into a video to make the website not look as full and boring with all the writing.

There is a lot of lists of what she has done but they’re not links to clips or to more information it just lists everything that she has done, whereas with Hansen’s website his had links to everything he did and with videos and more information, by reading this i got very bored and frankly stopped halfway through as it wasnt something that looked nice laid out on the website and it goes on for quite a long time.

When i make my website i think i am going to make mine more like Hansen’s website which is very clean and tidy compared to Bellingham’s website, this doesn’t mean i wont use some ideas that Bellingham has on her website like the full page slideshow on the homepage but i will definitely improve on what Bellingham got wrong and make sure i dont make the fonts the same colour as the background for the drop down menus and not fill it all out with writing and mix it up a bit by adding some pictures or videos.

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