I – Analyse your skill set and Interest

Career intentions and progress goals –

My dream career would be to work in audio production. I am a big fan of audio dramas and have been for many years. I’m fascinated at the limitless storytelling possibilities and imagination used to be able to visualise the story themselves. I’ve been a huge fan and follower of the company Big Finish Productions ( https://www.bigfinish.com ) Since 1995 they have been producing full cast audio dramas probably best known for their range of Doctor Who audios, breathing new life into classic characters with brand new stories and characters thrown in the mix.

It has always been my dream to work for Big Finish to help produce these fantastic audios that have had the likes of David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston, John Hurt, Michael Palin, John Barrowman, Paul McGann and many many other actors return to roles they once played to tell new stories. The love and inspiration I have gained from Big Finish has given me the courage to produce my own audio series which I love making which I think also shows off my skills as well. With the skills I have also gained from College I have managed to make a series of full cast and full length audios set in the world of Doctor Who, purely as a hobby and something I love doing which I hope can one day get me further along in the audio production career. Not only has this helped me progress with my audio production skills but my script writing, cover designing, sound designing skills as well which could give me any career in film.


What’s next?

At this point I have no idea what I want to do next. mainly because of everything with the current coronavirus pandemic I don’t want to waste money at uni this year if it’s going to be online and I am not able to attend. I would rather wait but I hope that will not affect my chances of getting a job.

UPDATE 02.02.21 – As of writing this, thanks to my friend Liz who works for PQA (Pauline Quirk Academy) I have contacted a lady in regard to a job doing all the filming and production work for the shows as the man who used to do it has handed his notice in. I have no idea if this will go anywhere, but it will mean that I will have a job on Saturday for a few hours. This will mean I will have to inform my manager at my current job at Sports Direct in Fox Valley that I am not able to work on Saturdays anymore, on the plus side, I have a 0 hour contract so this means I will still be able to work for the rest of the week or whenever I am not busy with the work I get from PQA. If I get this job I will have to invest in a new camera and a couple bits of equipment.


Finding a job on Skillsshare.com


Screenwriters are almost always freelancers. In film, initially, screenwriters develop roughly three drafts of a screenplay, with the third being known as ‘the polish’. This is the version that gets pitched to a producer or film studio. Alternatively, a screenwriter may be commissioned by a producer or studio to create a screenplay. 

How do I become a screenwriter?

”Write your own screenplays as soon as possible. Practising the form is essential. A degree is not a prerequisite to become a screenwriter, but having relevant education, whether that be in English or screenwriting subjects, is very useful.

Read and write:
Practise writing screenplays in a professional format. Read existing screenplays online to familiarise yourself with the form.

I have practised writing screenplays before, I have written quite a few, I will link them below.


Skills Audit –

2 thoughts on “I – Analyse your skill set and Interest

  1. Great start! After you talk about your dream job in the film industry, can you discuss what you’re currently planning to do after college and how the skills you’ve learned on this course will help you with that?


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