I – Contextual Perspectives

These are my Three Titles for the essays/reports:

  1. An exploration into foley and sound design techniques for low budget short film. 
  2. How editing is used to tell a story
  3. Report on established script writing conventions, dialogue and scene description. 

Essay Title One: An exploration into Foley and sound design techniques for low budget short film. 

I want to look into this because it is something that I enjoy learning about and I find it  interesting and something I like to learn much more about. I also am fascinated with audio dramas and how they are structured to create a world that features many sound effects and foley sounds built in. I feel I’ll be able to write a lot about this given I have had some experience in editing with foley sounds.

This will help to inform and improve my FMP by being able to develop my skills further to benefit the end result of my final film by having great sound design and wildtrak placed in when needed.This includes having better sound overall which includes the separate audio recorded from the microphones. After reading a survey about sound design, it came to the conclusion that sound design helps viewers to be more immersed into the film so it helps with the final result of my FMP.

It will help me improve as a filmmaker by being able to have better placed foley sounds and wild-track. If I need any more foley sounds recorded I know I will be able to have better ones recorded as I will have done a lot of research into it for Unit 12. More specifically this will include looking into the placement of the sound effects whilst editing.

Some difficulties I might face are being able to get a wider range of results in terms of my research. This is because foley sounds are very specific and once you learn the vast majority there is to know about it, you pretty much have learnt the whole process. For example how to record and edit them to make them sound like their supposed sound. The only worry is that I won’t be able to write a lot, but I will try my best to have what is written to be the best quality it can be. 

I have done some initial research and this has been quite successful. I have looked at many behind the scenes documentaries for the audio dramas I talked about above to see how they make the foley sounds and develop the sound design and I have checked the internet out on many different websites to see if there is any more information I could gather. I found almost all the research to be helpful in my search for information. All the articles had something to offer in some way but i found a lot of the same stuff repeated so i think i will have to delve a bit further into the research.

Some practical experiments that I could carry out are making my own foley sounds and trying to replace them in some scenes. Some easy ones I have made before are sounds of doors, locks, walking, and many more which we did for Unit 5 to give us a better experience of how foley sounds work in editing. I could also try looking at an experiment in seeing which objects work best for my foley sounds and trying different objects to get the best result. These will all help me a lot because they will give me a much better understanding of the tasks needed to better my understanding of foley sounds and overall sound design.

Essay Title Two: How editing is used to tell a story

I want to look into this because editing is a huge passion of mine and it’s something I would love to learn much more about. I think editing is also pivotal in how a story is told and can be easily help with how the viewer interprets the story 

This will help to inform and improve my FMP by giving me much more knowledge on how i can use different methods of editing to help tell a story. This will help my FMP a lot because my final project could differ hugely and benefit my grade very greatly. 

It will help me improve as a filmmaker by exploring different ways of editing. This will help to broaden my styles of editing to help edit different types of films and projects. If I am to ever get a job as a filmmaker I will need a huge range of different editing skills to help me edit more unique projects. 

Some difficulties I might face are trying these skills out. It’s all well and good being able to learn new skills for editing and creating new projects, but to do this you do need a lot of new effects that cost quite a lot of money. Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere charge quite a lot for new and fancy effects. If these were free or affordable i would definitely consider choosing this essay to do but due to the price i may not be able to put any new skills to use.

I have done some initial research and this has been very useful as there is a lot of information on how editing can be used to tell a story. There are quite a lot of magazines out there on editing and its many uses and how it can help tell a story. They have many articles on different skills and tips and tricks, probably the best amount for all 3 essays so i believe it would be the best for research but will not be the best for use with my FMP

Some practical experiments that i could carry out are trying some of these effects and trying different ways to tell a story. This will be quite limited though due to the cost of some of the effects that are on the market but i would try a couple out and try different ways of telling a story through editing.

Essay Title Three: Report on established script writing conventions, dialogue and scene description. To craft a professional script.

I want to look into this because I love scripts. I think they are where most of the magic happens with any project. I like the journeys they go on to become the final script they are that’s used for projects. I find it fascinating to see differences from first drafts to the final production, sometimes these can range from huge changes to quite small ones but every change is interesting for many 

This will help to inform and improve my FMP by getting the best script written as possible. This will help me get the best dialogue and scene descriptions as i possibly can. Any film project begins with a script and is the glue that holds everything together and mine will be no different so i believe it’s quite important to get everything right from the dialogue to the scene descriptions.

It will help me improve as a filmmaker by being able to write professional scripts that will help influence the outcome of my project and by doing a bit of research all famous filmmakers, (Russell T Davies, Todd Philips, Quentin Tarentino) to name a few, all write fantastic and professional scripts that help shape their projects and craft their films so if i ever want to be as good a filmmaker as they are, i need to start with a good script.

Some difficulties I might face are for starters it’s going to be hard getting 1st hand research into this. I will try and contact some people I know who write scripts and get some research done from them. But that is going to be my hardest challenge due to how busy they are. 

I have done some initial research and this has been very interesting. I’ve seen some documentaries on how script writing is done and have gotten some facts on this subject so i hope to continue this and get some better knowledge of the conventions of script writing. I have quite a few different documentaries and a book on the way called ‘The Writer’s Tale’ which is a first hand account on Russell T Davies time writing Doctor Who and Russell goes into grave detail about how he wrote the show and the troubles he faced with scripts and everything in between. I feel this will help me a lot as it is exactly the kind of research i need for this kind of essay and i believe it will be the main source of material i use for writing my essay.

Some practical experiments that I could carry out are writing my own scripts. The best thing to do with an experiment like this is to keep on writing scripts until they are as perfect as can be. As professional as they can be and as gripping as they can be as well.

The essay that I have chosen to write is essasy three.

I have chosen this particular essay because I feel I can get the most out of it in terms of what I can write, I thought heavily about doing essay one and then I came to the conclusion that although I could write about the same as I could if I wrote essay one. The actual content would be much better and there would be much more there in terms of quality.

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