I – Contextual Analysis

  I want to make my film, Out of Time because there is definitely an audience for a film like mine, as seen with the success of shows like Stranger Things and Back To The Future. It will use famous conventions of a Sci-Fi film for example “Time Travel” “Space travel and exploration” and finally “Dystopian fiction”

  The skills I aim to develop further when it comes to my editing as well as my scriptwriting. I definitely think my skills in writing scripts has improved since finishing Unit 12 which I chose scriptwriting to focus my essay on. I wouldn’t say there was exactly a gap in the market for this sort of film, but they are very popular with my intended target audience which is around 16-21. This is seen with target demographics like Stranger Things being a hit with this target audience I intend to use shows and films that have inspired me to push the boundaries of my short film, Shows like “Primeval and “Doctor Who” spring to mind when developing a time travel subplot but aimed at a young adult audience like “Stranger Things” and “Back To The Future” which is set in two different decades like my film and and is still very popular today with it’s elements of time travel. Although being made around 30 years apart, the popularity of these two show that there is still a huge appetite for films and tv shows of this genre and a film like mine. The difference with mine will be that a lot of elements seen in these shows I want to replicate will have to be cut down and simplified due to the budget and time restrictions.

My film will be an exploration into the supernatural and sci-fi genre whilst using the generic tropes seen in productions of the same genre. The perfect place to show my film will be festivals. There are some really good festivals that will be starting up soon, for example the BFI Film Festival which has a section for short films and the Aesthetica Short Film Festival which features a lot of short films and will be in November 2021. There are also a few festivals that specialise in short films such as the Cardiff Mini Film Festival which has been ongoing for the past 9 years and is currently open for entries and is on the 24th September. YouTube is also a good place to show my film because I know for a fact there is a guaranteed audience on YouTube due to how wide the website reaches so I will definitely be able to reach my intended audience on there.

In conclusion my film is a follow up to my Unit 9/10 project called Out of Time which is a drama about a young boy from 1985 who finds himself stranded in 2021. The plot of the film is about him finding a way home whilst meeting friends along the way and overcoming any issues he may have. The film has a target audience of young adults around 16-21 but is suitable for any ages over that. I hope to get my film to reach a wider audience throughout festivals shown online.

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