VI – Present

Explore Strategies: 

When considering my Presentation task, YouTube comes to mind. YouTube is a very easy place to showcase films that will be easy to access to everyone, whilst also making a little bit of money whilst it’s up there thanks to AdSense. 

I also looked into submitting Out of Time into a film festival. The one I came to the conclusion with submitting is the ‘Short Focus Film Festival’. The Short Focus Film Festival is an annual short film festival that takes place around the third weekend of September in selected cities. This year the event takes place online and in London from 17-26 September. Which has a timeline for what to do at what point. It currently is at the ‘Final Deadline’ for uploading your films which expires on June 30th. 

Out of Time could do really well here due to the fact that it does not cost to submit a film to this festival and it has a very good track record with reviews and people getting their films out in the open.


I knew I would need to ‘Sell’ my video if I were to post to YouTube, by this I mean having a striking YouTube thumbnail and a description that people would click on and want to watch. I was a bit stuck with what to do for the thumbnail. I was inspired by old Doctor Who VHS artworks which later inspired the poster for series 5 of the spin off ‘The War Master’ I love this series so much and find the artwork very dynamic how the two main characters of the Doctor and Master are almost linked by the lightning bolt shooting through each character’s eye, I also love the swirly vortex’s invoking the time travel feel which also links to Out of Time so that was echoed in the poster too. The original artworks, (seen below) is what I ended up basing my Out of Time poster on.

The finished poster is seen below, this will also act as the thumbnail for the video at any festivals that need the poster to go with the video.

Speaking of YouTube, The specific specs for uploading YouTube videos are as follows…

Luckily with my copy of Out of time I have met this criteria and managed to upload my video without any issues.

In addition I added a description for the film into my YouTube video. The description reads as follows… ‘Out of Time follows Charlie, an 18 year old boy from 1985 who finds himself in 2021, where he meets a boy called Benji. The film follows the two of them as they must come together to try and return Charlie to 1985 whatever way possible. Whilst both coming to terms with the possibility of time travel. ‘ 

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